Dearest Darling Friends,
1. We go to a restaurant. We are presented a feedback form.
2. We visit a webpage. We are encouraged to post our comments about it. (Even in Life School, we do that. When you post your comments on our website, it helps us to improve).
3. We listen to a song and we can rate that song and express our views on it.
4. You watch a serial and your opinions are presented as a valuable tool to make a difference in the participant’s life.
Unknowingly, it has become our need to give a feedback (good or bad) on things, people and events.
We have made it the major shareholder of the mind, emotions and intelligence.
We no more enjoy a flower for it is a flower, now we need to judge its beauty in comparison to the one we saw last.
Most of us have lost the ability to simply enjoy a paani puri; we compare it with the one place where we relish the taste.
We also make sure everyone present hears our expert opinion.
As much as we have developed a craving to give a feedback, we have also become over sensitive to the opinion of others.
Our confidence level often depends on what others say about us.
We hear one negative comment about us, and we crumble down or we get angry and decide to prove a point.
Our peace, our happiness largely depends on what others do to us and say about us.
Amidst this huge complex web of opinions, what keeps us stable, focussed, and centered is the awareness of our own personal objectives.
When we are clear about our objectives.
- Honest feedbacks help us to grow.
- Baseless comments or bad behaviour does not affect us much.
- Setbacks do not stop us.
- Negative comments, beliefs and behaviour have a bearing on us but POSITIVELY for we are clear about our objectives.
- Our excitement and enthusiasm is no more at the mercy of others.
- We are strong because focus is on our objectives.
You plan to go on a drive with your loved ones because you want to be with them. The plan changes and it is decided to go for a dinner. When you remember the objective was not the drive but time with your loved one, the dinner is enjoyed to the hilt.
Otherwise, there will be sadness in the air even if the dinner is brilliantly tasty.
1. When my objective is to inspire my loved ones, I do not indulge in activities that will give opposite results.
2. When my objective is to be in the right company to have a meaningful life, I have to drop a few relationships that pull me emotionally and socially down even when it means I am out of ‘the group’.
3. When my objective is to have good health, nothing in the world can push me towards an unhealthy lifestyle even when people are sarcastic.
4. When my objective is to be peaceful, I do not nurture painful memories, but, focus on the learnings from those experiences and live a wiser life.
5. When I am clear about the objective of my life, decision-making no more remains challenging. Even the biggest of decisions are easy to take.
6. Wise people have said, ‘When our eyes are on the sun, we can no longer see the shadow’.
7. When my objectives are clear I no more blame, complain or give excuses when faced with failures / obstacles.
Do commit to things and relationships that are in sync with your objectives.
Success that matters to you, will embrace you. You will look back and love yourself for the way you have lived your life.
Here are a few pointers to think about.
- As a student what is your objective?
- As a wife / husband what is your objective?
- As a businessman / professional what is your objective?
- As a friend what is your objective?
- As a reader of this Life School Message, what is your objective?
Do send a feedback about this LSM. Ha ha ha
In other areas that matter to you, what are your objectives?
Whatever happens —- “Keep Moving” towards your objectives and never away from them.
With love, prayers and best wishes,
Change your thoughts. Change your life.
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