Dearest Darling Friends,


With this hack, the facts will remain the same, but Life will change!!!


Negative thoughts are thoughts that…


  • makes us want to hurt
  • reduces our energy levels
  • makes us resent people and life
  • makes us afraid and feel incompetent
  • makes us feel and believe we are weak
  • makes us want to give up on self and others
  • produces negative emotions like anger and frustration
  • makes us run away from responsibilities and challenges


Every time these thoughts invade our mind, they make us feel uncomfortable. They contaminate and pollute our life. We never enjoy these thoughts.


Positive thoughts are thoughts that…

  • brings the best out of uslifts us even when we fail
  • makes us believe in ourselves and life
  • propels us to inspire our loved ones
  • makes us look at the brighter side of things and events
  • makes us cooperate, endlessly with life and people
  • makes us look forward to love people and ourselves,
  • makes us want to explore and live a meaningful and impactful life
  • produces positive emotions like joy, celebrations and excitement


Positive thoughts are life giving force. Holding on to these thoughts makes life look bright, in spite of the challenges.


If two of my bones break in an accident, I wish to enjoy the 204 that are NOT broken.


The fact is that 2 bones are broken.
The fact is 204 are not broken.
The facts remain the same.


Focussing on the negative thoughts (2 broken ones) will certainly make me miserable.
Focussing on the postiive thoughts (204 unbroken ones) will certainly make me happy.


Its my choice what do I focus on.


Anything that makes us feel glad, lets focus on that.
Anything that makes us feel sad, let us let go of that.


The facts will remain the same, but, Life will change!!!


With love, prayers and best wishes,

Change your thoughts. Change your life.

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