Dear Darling Friends,


I asked my friend Shardul, “Has business been effected in Covid times?’”


He replied – ‘If I can survive these times, I will consider myself a big success’…and he laughed out loud.


I winced. His answer left me pondering…


Q) Obviously he will survive, but, who will push him to new heights?
Q) Obviously, he is scared, but, who will protect him from his own fears?
Q) Because of his fears, won’t he be stuck more often and longer than required?


Isn’t it obvious, he should have a mentor / coach who can nudge him in the right direction? After all, the best of athletes, the best of businessmen have coaches who help them navigate the mighty challenges of life and also help them making the most of the opportunities life provides them.


Less than 5% people in the world have goals that has the power to change their life. Almost all of these people have coaches and mentors who function as their mirror, think tank, inspiration, connector and their cheering squad.


Do you have a coach? If no, why not? If yes, why?


Tag your coach(es) in the comments below. Do share about the impact they have in your life.


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,




Change your thoughts. Change your life.

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