Dear Darling Friends,



Ever saw your mother inserting “naada” in a pajama, using old used tooth brush? 



Ever wore a white shirt with blue spots (dhabba) thanks to liberal use of Robin Blue? 



Ever shared the same design and colour shirt with your brother? 



Ever adjusted the TV Antenna during a cricket match to get the best picture quality? 



Ever got a reprimand for not bringing extra dhania and hari mirchi along with vegetables?



Ever jumped from a tree?



Ever ate a raw tomato while purchasing vegetables with your mother?



Ever shared a seat with the auto rickshaw driver?


To even a single question if your answer was a YES, you know that childhood memories are special, isn’t it? 



Well, childhood is that time, when we are simple, innocent and formative. We are easily mouldable.  



What are your special childhood memories? How did it mould you? Would love to know them.



With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,






Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.



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