Life’s role is to keep you on your toes and to nudge you far outside your comfort zone, to see how much pain you can handle, to tease and test how many setbacks you can tolerate, and how much heart, grit and character you truly have.
Life School Message
Who do you think will make a mark?
“All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart.”
3 Lists SOLVE all difficult situations.
The other day a friend emailed me saying, “My faith is shaken because of what a ‘good’ person like you is going through. You deserve better”
Who is your “Fall Back” option?
At some point of time, we all need a fallback. “Who is our fallback” makes all the difference. Yes, our choice of the fallback person, has the power to either destroy us or make us GREAT !
“Refuse Manipulation. Take Responsibility”
I have seen people who refuse to get manipulated by fear. They take responsibility over their life with courage. They wake up with energy. They stride through the day with purpose. *They live free*.
It is a little thing. It matters.
While we wait to do big things, give big things and achieve big things, it is the little things that brightens up our daily lives. Isn’t it?
Do you often ‘DISRESPECT’ people?
These excuses are not good enough. No one is too busy to take 30 seconds to response unless you are stalking someone or you are a bore. Even more incensing is that people don’t think they have done anything wrong. They are actually convinced by their own feeble excuses that they are right.
This might be the BEST thing you have ever done.
Most people I know, prefer to sleep about seven to eight hours every night. That leaves 16 or 17 waking hours each day. That is about 1,000 minutes. Cool! Now…
Our DESTINY begins the moment we ACT
Make the choice to get up every day, to look at life with a smile and take massive action.
Said a Blade of Grass…
Look at the world with eyes of love. See what people are going through. No one is against you. They are fighting their own battles and demons.