Dearest Darling Friends,


In a recent seminar, the participants were asked, “If you could choose any one thing that you MUST have….at any cost…what would it be?”


The most popular choice was “PEACE”.


In the lunch break, one innocent participant ventured to ask me, “How to know if I am peaceful or not?”.


The question found me blabbering incoherently.


Either the participant respected me too much to question my blabbering or his compassionate heart allowed me to save my face. May God bless him!


Anyway, his question lingered.


“How to know if I am peaceful or not?”. The brilliant question indeed!


In the past 36 hours, I have scribbled on a scrap paper, noted in the diary, used the Evernote on my phone, stroked the keys on my MacBook, every time I had a stray thought on “How to know I am peaceful?”.


Here is a summary of my jottings. Feel free to agree or disagree or correct or add.


1. A loss of ability to worry about things that are irrelevant.


2. A loss of ability to worry about things that are NOT in my control.


3. A loss in interest to judge others.


4. A loss of interest to prove a point.


5. A loss of interest in fussing about trifles.


6. A loss of interest in holding on to anything that is painful.


7. A deep genuine need to say ‘Thank you’ or ‘Love you’ to the air, the sun, the clouds, the flowers and people too.


8. A deep genuine need to dance a step as I walk.


9. A deep genuine need to appreciate every good I experience.


10. Eyes brimming over on the smallest acts of kindness.


11. A deep feeling of gratitude that overwhelms.


12. A sense of being a witness to the unfolding of life.


13. Effortless smiling to the point of being ridiculous.


14. The feeling of a melodious song being played within and attempting to catch the melody.


15. Sleeping like a baby with limbs spread out and with a smile flirting on the lips.


16. Waking up in the morning with a smile.


I would love to know your thoughts and your experiences about being peaceful.


And oh yes, be very peaceful when you pen down your thoughts…ha ha.


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,




Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.


Life School Wow Parenting Keep Moving Movement

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