Dearest Darling Friends,


99% people are not the best in anything. They do not have remarkable talents. They are not gifted. Yet most successful and impactful people come from this 99%. They may not have resources, talent, gifts, looks, back up options, etc and all. However, they all are purposefully driven. This purpose is what is needed.


It is easy to accept the fact that I am not good enough. Alternatively, we can say, ‘I will make myself good enough’. This mindset is what is needed.


We all want that 4 lane highway. We wish to drive easy. But those 4 lane highways need to be constructed! This willingness to ‘construct’ (and not just consume) is what is needed. ( Relentless EFFORT)


Without DIE, it is not LIFE anyways.


With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,




Imagine, when we wake up, we are given only what we had thanked for.


Life School Wow Parenting Keep Moving Movement

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