Dear Darling Friends,

Some are used to it. This post is for those who aren’t.

‘Working from home’ Basics:

1. Fix a work spot. It can be your study. Or, any room with a desk and chair where you’ll be undisturbed through the day.

Don’t ‘work’ half-lying on your bed.

2. Time your work smartly:

You don’t need to lock yourself for 9 hours.

Firm up 4 work modules of 2 hours each – with breaks in between.

Give 2 slots of 45 minutes for HOME’s Work. It’s a must-do in these testing times.

Gift yourself 15-30 mins of ‘commute time’ for transitioning your mind from home’s work to office work.

Check out your social media during that time or after the home office hours.

3. Social media:

Do update your status with, “The best part of the day was …………………….”.

Spread cheer and NOT conspiracy theories.

4. Live balanced.

Indulge in gupshup and banter. Play zoom antakshari. Have leisurely morning chai ️ Listen to birds. It’s pure music.

5. Smile a lot. INDIA is much better off than almost every country in the world in this pandemic.

6. Dress up: Change into smart casuals. You don’t need to wear a suit and oxfords or romp around in nightwear.

7. Take nothing for granted. Take no one for granted.

If you are doing something interesting during this lock-down, do let me know. I am eagerly awaiting your ‘insights’.

With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,


Change your thoughts. Change your life.

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