Our Publications

Its a collection of the best LSM’s over a period of time. His experiences as a life coach gives him 100s of insights every day. Some to these insights become an LSM that is written by naren every Tuesday. It has over 42,000 subscribers over 44 countries all over the world.
It is said when life throws lemons towards you, make a lemonade. 6 authors have penned this book. They say, ‘when the lemonade is made, do share it and offer it to others too.’ This book is their lemonade that they offer to you seasoned with friendship, motivation, determination, love and garnished with a ‘Win before you begin’ attitude.
The world is filled with talented yet unsuccessful people. The world has enough unrewarded but genius people. The world is filled with educated failures. It need not be so. This book will inspire you to create your ‘miracle anchors’ that will help you face the storms of life. When someone has survived a Tsunami, would they be scared of a few drops of the rain? That will become your approach to life.
If you believe in excuses, this book is not for you. Passionate people, admirers of human spirit, believers in potential, full time students of life, this book is for YOU. This book is for and about people who believe in ACTION and INSPIRATION.
Stories are the creative conversation life has with you. They are the currency of human contact. Stories makes us feel alive. Stories nourish us. Stories feed us. Stories teach us. Stories are our life coach. This book is a collection of wonderful stories. Our life too is a story isn’t it?
Growth is painful, messy and very uncomfortable. It occurs when we are willing to stretch ourselves. Only when we accept new challenges, we are on the path to create glories. If you had to chose between the pain of discipline and the pain of regret, what would you choose? This book will help you in making that choice.
Questions are powerful. Progress is not possible without questions. Questions wake us from the slumber of self induced stagnancy. Questions make us think on things we would have otherwise conveniently ignored. Rare are those who know how to ask questions. Even rarer are those who know which questions to ask and when. This is that rare book that will help you in making that rare, common to you.
There are habits. And then, there are winning habits. Everyone has habits. Very few have winning habits. What separates the ordinary from the extra-ordinary, what separates potentials from performances, what separates a life of muck to a life of miracles, are winning habits. This book is about how to develop winning habits.
This book has exceptional secrets of navigating your marriage. Read this book to understand what can go wrong and avoid it. Read about how to set right what has gone wrong. Read about how to develop intimacy and purpose. This book will help you to make marriage the most wonderful relationship you will ever have.
As a life coach, naren often says, there are many things in life that are more important than fear. He believe, we are not as broken as we think. Sure, we have a couple of scars and a few bad memories. But then, all great heroes do. He believe – Face fear, it goes. Avoid fear, it grows. This book will help you to face your fears.
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